Hall of Heros!
Finally! After like the entire week of playing in the Tombs, I've finally met a team who has brought me to the top of the Tombs, otherwise known as the Hall of Heros.
On top of that, we won it twice, despite the fact that there are quite a few of us (myself included) heading to the halls for the very first time.
For those who has never played Guild Wars, Hall of Heros (HoH) is a Player vs Player arena, reachable only to those who have won in other "lesser" arenas. It's kind of like "Capture the hill" games you play from other games. In the HoH, you have this NPC called a Ghostly Hero. He will be the one to capture this spot in the center called the altar. The team whose hero is the last one to capture the altar, wins.
The first one was really tough. We were against Marvel Superheros and Black Rose Gaming, both elite guilds who have won HoH plenty of times (When you win the hall, your leader's name or your guild name will be displayed, telling everyone in the world), along with 2 other teams. Black Rose Gaming (surprisingly...) and another team got elimated early, and so, it's down to three.
We were pretty much on the losing end, as the other two teams has much better experience.
Still, with barely 2 minutes left, we captured the central Altar, as our Ghostly Hero somehow sneaked up there and captured it. Since the rest of the heros were dead, we win, even though our entire team got wiped out!
The second one was even more funny. We had to defned our altar against a team running a pet build. However, the pet build is a self healing build, and hence, they have no healer. The game turned out to be pretty much a joke, as they were unable to heal their ghostly hero.
The third one was the one which we lost, but just barely. It was against 2 European teams. Since we were down 1 man (had 7 instead of 8), we did try our best, but ultimately, we got owned.
However, the final part was pretty funny. Our ghostly died, and so did one other team's ghostly (Team Yellow, as they shall be known). So, it came down to Team yellow to either take down the third ghostly hero, giving the win to us, or to let him capture the altar, and let Europe win the HoH for once, and hopefully, gain favour of th gods (When the gods are in your favour, you can access the underworld, and also have much better drops). It does not take a genius to know which they chose, as the ghostly hero surivived, hence ensuring our defeat.
Oh well. Was fun.
I finally won the HoH =D.

Hehe. Love those graphics.
P.S. Congrats to Chaos for obtaining his MoH!
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